Eco-friendly & Green Furnitures!

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Green Furniture is a term that is used for furnishings that have a significant impact on the ecology of the planet. Green furnitures are products that use materials from sustainable forests, recycled steel for all springs and screws, non-toxic & formaldehyde free glues and stains, cushions and pillows made of soy foam, range of eco-fabrics such as cotton, linen, bamboo, hemp,  biodegradable latex rubber,  non-toxic wood finishes, etc. They are locally manufactured and are durable enough to last.



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  Shop our favorite selection of Green Furniture by Pure, RC Green, Padma's Plantation, Maku, Emeco, Viesso, Atlantico, Natural Fine Furnishing, Jackson

Structured Green Air Hazel Setee by PURE     Jackson Shelf    





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Air Hazel Setee by PURE
Setee with beautiful bird embroidery on back. The perfect addition to any elegant room. Available in 11 colors.
$ 4 100 



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Jackson Shelf
A beautiful mix of Scandinavian and Japanese design, the Jackson Dining Collection is polished to perfection with an eco-friendly water-based stain, and the wood is pulled from the remnants of old homes.
$ 330

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Army Tent Ottomane, made from an upcycled canevas army tent.
Search: army tent
$ 175 


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Jackson Dining Table


Jackson Coffee Table

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Abaca Ottoman by Padma’s Plantation
The abaca provides great texture in the cable sweater weave. Applying this weave to the hardwood frame has resulted in a striking slipper chair. Style and function come together in this design.
$ 863

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Jackson Dinning Collection
A beautiful mix of Scandinavian and Japanese design, the Jackson Dining Collection is polished to perfection with an eco-friendly water-based stain, and the wood is pulled from the remnants of old homes.
$ 445 - $1010

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Jackson Coffee Table
A beautiful mix of Scandinavian and Japanese design, the Jackson Dining Collection is polished to perfection with an eco-friendly water-based stain, and the wood is pulled from the remnants of old homes.

$ 576

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Jackson Console Table


Jackson Nesting Tables


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Jackson Console Table
 beautiful mix of Scandinavian and Japanese design, the Jackson Dining Collection is polished to perfection with an eco-friendly water-based stain, and the wood is pulled from the remnants of old homes.
$ 645

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Jackson Nesting Table 
A beautiful mix of Scandinavian and Japanese design, the Jackson Dining Collection is polished to perfection with an eco-friendly water-based stain, and the wood is pulled from the remnants of old homes.

$ 475

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Lounge Chair by Maku
The Maku Lounge Chair is available al fresco without cushions or for added comfort and flair you can choose one of 3 stock cushion colors.
$ 750



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 Structured Green Alexander Sofa by rc green


 Structured Green Tuxedo Chair by rc green


Teak Bath Stool

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Alexander Sofa by RC Green
Robert Craymer, designer, manufacturer, and owner of rcgreen, utilizes 100% eco-friendly materials to create his exclusive line of furniture. Available in 6 colors
$ 3 800


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Tuxedo Chair by RC Green
Since its launch Robert and rcgreen have been featured in numerous magazines and TV shows such as HGTV, the New York Times, and Town & Country, and the market response has been tremendous. Available in 6 colors
$ 2 500

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Eco-Friendly Teak Bath Stool, solid wood stool is fashioned from discarded teak strips from a Forest Stewardship Council-certified furniture factory.
$ 155


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 Structured Green Polished Navy Chair by Emeco

Structured Green Hudson Rocking Chair with Arms by Emeco





The content of recycled aluminum used to make
Emeco chairs is 80%. Of the recycled aluminum,
half is post consumer (soft drink cans) and half
 is postindustrial (manufacturing scrap).
Chairs made out of virgin aluminum have
an energy density that is 17 times higher
than that of Emeco chairs. Most Emeco
aluminum chairs have an estimated lifespan
of 150 years or more, making them a sound investment in every way.





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Polished Navy Chair by Emeco
Timeless. Chairs admired today and indefinitely. Chairs that span generations and cultures. Built individually by a handful of craftsmen. 77 painstaking steps at a time.
$ 1 100


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Hudson Rocking Chair with Arms by Emeco The Hudson is included in the design collection of the Museum of Modern Art, and was selected by the Chicago Athenaeum as one of the top 100 designs for 2000, winning the prestigious "Good Design Award".
$ 875 

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 Structured Green 20-06 Counter Stool by Emeco


Structured Green Superlight Chair by Emeco


Click here for larger version

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20-06 Counter Stool by Emeco
Made of recycled aluminum, super strong, fire proof, light weight, and of course, comfortable. Not so simple.
$ 470


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Superlight Chair by Emeco
Tested to carry 750 pounds, Superlight weighs only 6.5 pounds. The brushed/anodized shell and frame are connected by a hinge, allowing them to flex independently and move with the sitter.

$ 495

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Vitra by Barber & Osgerby Tip ton chair
Tip ton is formed from a single mold with no mechanical components. this makes it practically indestructible and 100% recyclable.
$ 343 


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Structured Green 012 Bedside Table by Atlantico


Structured Green Teak Inlaid Bench by Natural Fine Furnishings

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Recycled railroad tie bench
$ 155



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012 Bedside Table by Atlantico
A single drawer rests upon an open cubic leg construction. Visually lightweight yet generous in its storage capacity.
Available in 4 colors.

$ 1 045

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Teak Inlaid Bench by Natural Fine Furnishings
Add a few throw pillows and open a book, or use as seating at a party. A nice addition to Gazeboes during the warmer months.

$ 675


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Viesso has built a line of furniture and home accessories with great respect for the planet in mind and a focus on beautiful design and functionality. They offer products that are made from natural, recycled, and sustainable materials and are manufactured via reduced emissions. The natural grain on the bamboo highlights the eco-friendly stains that they apply to it, and its durability as a wood creates a piece that will last.








 Viesso Gio Cube


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Plyned Dining Table by Viesso
Made completely from bamboo, the edges offer a layered surface in juxtaposition to the top. The trough option adds an interesting visual element and a space for either candles or other dinner table or decorative items.

$ 2 250 

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Gio Cube by Viesso
Cube made from bamboo, a very sustainable wood with a beautiful grain.
$ 880 




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Viesso Gio Planter Side Table


Viesso Palder Media Center


 Viesso Gio Buffet

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Viesso Planter Side Table  by Viesso
Storage drawers make it an even more functional piece.
$ 1 050  


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 Palder Media Center by Viesso
The sliding doors on the front hides the stored items, and the low profile works well to minimize the space it takes up in any room.
$ 1 700

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Gio Buffet  by Viesso
The finish options are rich and contemporary, with clean lines of the minimalist aesthetic.
$ 1 110


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Viesso Plyned Rectangular Coffee Table


Viesso Plyned Round Coffee Table


 Viesso Gio Coffee Table

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Plyned Rectangular Coffee Table by Viesso
$ 715

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Plyned Round Coffee Table  by Viesso
$ 682

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Gio Coffee Table  by Viesso
$ 860

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* The prices of these products may be subject to change.


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