Eco-Friendly Bathroom




Bamboo has gained popularity as a "green" fibre. Bamboo can be cultivated quickly, can be used as a cash crop to develop impoverished regions of the third world, and is a natural fibre whose cultivation results in a decrease in greenhouse gases.  Organic cotton is from non genetically modified plants, that is to be grown without the use of any synthetic agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides. Its production also promotes and enhances biodiversity and biological cycles.


From our favorite affiliate stores:



rustic linens
  By Coyuchi, Kontextur, Izola.

Coyuchi Rustic Linen Shower Curtain in Grey with Mustard & Ivory Stripes


Coyuchi Organic Cotton Percale 300 TC Shower Curtains


Coyuchi Rustic Linen Shower Curtain in Natural with Red & Indigo Stripes

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Ultimate Green Store, by Coyuchi
Rustic Linen Shower Curtain in Grey
$ 214 

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Ultimate Green Store, by Coyuchi
Organic Cotton Percale 300 TC
$ 184 

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Ultimate Green Store, by Coyuchi
Rustic Linen Shower Curtain, Natural

$ 214

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Click here for larger version



Swiss Dot Shower Curtain

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Search: Vintage style shower curtains,
Unbleach Poly-cotton, 3 different designs
$ 55

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Unicahome, by Izola
City series shower curtains, Las Vegas 
$ 29
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Swiss Dot Shower Curtain
$ 95

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Peace Shower Curtain


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Unicahome, by Kontextur
Search: Blossom shower curtain
$ 195

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Peace Shower Curtain
$ 24

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grey line slipt3Unicahome, by Izola
Cities series shower curtains, California! ;)
$ 29

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trendy bathroom accessories
  By Izola, Blomus, Alessi, Thomas Paul, Wooly Pocket, India Rose, Harman, Two Company, imm Living, Lazy Suzan



Pure Soap Rectangular Dispenser design by Harman



bathroom signo

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Burke decor, by Izola
Guest toothbrushes,
sustainable bamboo and nylon bristles

$ 11

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Burke Decor, by Harman
Pure Soap Rectangular Dispenser
 $ 20


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Unicahome, by Blomus
'Signo' stainless steel Bathroom signs 
$ 5.64


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Burke Decor, by Izola
Maritime Soap Dish
$ 20


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Search: Nantucket Recycled Wood Blue Mirror


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Unicahome, by Alessi
Otto dental floss holder by alessi,
4 available colors

$ 16

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paul thomas bat mat





woody pocket



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Burke Decor, by Thomas Paul
Moby Mat in Ink Design 
$ 44

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Burke Decor, by Woolly Pocket
Moeadow Design, Interior garden
$ 199

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Burke decor, by India Rose
Grasshopper Laundry Bag!
$ 199

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Burke Decor, by Lazy Suzan
Silver Coral Candleholder
$ 51

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Burke Decor, by imm Living 
 Kalyana Jewelry Holder
$ 58

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Burke decor, by Two Company
Branche Jewelry Holder!
$ 80

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    Coniston Camellia Towels design by Designers Guild

bamboo towel lettring
  By Guild Design, Loop Organic, Coyuchi, Pure Fiber




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Burke Decor, by Guild Design
Coniston Camellia,Egyptian Cotton Towels,
Available in 10 colors

Start at $ 15

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Burke Decor, by Guild Design 
Coniston Lemongrass Egyptian Cotton Towels, 
Available in 10 colors

Start at $ 15

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Burke Decor, by Guild Design
Coniston Parchment Egyptian Cotton Towels ,
Available in 10 colors
Start at $ 15

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Burke Decor, by Guild Design
Coniston Alabaster Egyptian Cotton Towels,
Available in 10 colors

Start at $ 15

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Burke Decor, by Guild Design 
Coniston Granite Egyptian Cotton Towels, 
Available in 10 colors

Start at $ 15

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Burke Decor, by Guild Design
Coniston Turquoise Egyptian Cotton Towels ,
Available in 10 colors
Start at $ 15

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Ultimate Green Store, by Coyuchi
Organic Cotton Towels, 10 available colors 
$ 7-60

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Ultimate Green Store, by Loop Organic
Organic Cotton Towels, 4 available colors
$ 10-64

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Ultimate Green Store, by Coyuchi
Organic Cotton Towels

$ 6-60

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Ultimate Green Store, by Pure Fiber
Bamboo Towel Set in Au Natural, set of 3
$ 58.95

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Ultimate Green Store, by Pure Fiber
Bamboo Towel Set in Black, set of 3 
$ 59.95

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Ultimate Green Store, by Pure Fiber
Bamboo Towel Set in Ecru, set of 3 

$ 59.95

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grey line for 3Ultimate Green Store, by Pure Fiber
Bamboo Towel Set in Pure White, set of 3
$ 59.95 grey line for 3


grey line for 3Ultimate Green Store, by Pure Fiber
Bamboo Towel Set in Dreamy Blue, set of 3 
$ 59.95grey line for 3


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Ultimate Green Store, by Loop Organic
Organic Cotton Towels in White, set of 3 
$ 10-64grey line for 3









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Ultimate Green Store, by Loop Organic
Organic Cotton Towels in Sandstone
$ 10 - 64

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Ultimate Green Store, by Loop Organic
Organic Cotton Towels in Sea Glass
$ 10 - 64

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Ultimate Green Store, by Pure Fiber
Bamboo Towel Set in Dreamy Blue, set of 3
$ 59.95

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Ultimate Green Store, by Pure Fiber
Bamboo Towel Set in Red Tangerine, set of 3

$ 59.95

Temporarily Sold Out. Sorry!

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Ultimate Green Store, by Pure Fiber
Bamboo Towel Set in Purple, set of 3

$ 59.95


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Utlimate Green Storer, by Pure Fiber
Bamboo Towel Set in Kiwi, set of 3

$ 59.95


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shower chlorine reduc
  By Sprite Indusries


Sprite Industries ShowerUp Single Extension Filtered Shower Head


Sprite Industries ShowerUp Double Extension Filtered Shower Head



Chlorine is universally used to chemically disinfect water. It kills germs, bacteria and other living organisms. Chlorine readily passes through the cell wall and attaches to the fatty acids of the cell, disrupting the life sustaining functions. The human body is composed of billions of cells. Most people are aware that the quality of their drinking water can be improved by filtering their tap water or buying bottled water. However, many do not realize that they are addressing only a part of the problem.





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Ultimate Green Syore, bySprite Industries
ShowerUp Filtered Doubled Extension with Sunflower Head

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Ultimate Green Syore, by Sprite Industries
ShowerUp Filtered Doubled Extension
with Pan Shower Head


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* The prices of these products may be subject to change.



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